Presentation: Welcoming, supporting and teaching students of the Covid-19 generation: A systematic and scientific perspective

Simon Larose will make a presentation at  the annual conference of the collegiate pedagogy of Quebec (AQPC) on June 11 , 2021 (on invitation only). 

Context and description

On March 13, 2020, the Quebec government declared COVID-19 a health emergency. As a result, high school students could no longer socialize in public places, and had to avoid all gatherings, respect social distancing measures and interrupt their studies for periods ranging from 15 days to 1 month. Following these interruptions, most high school students resumed their studies remotely in a context where instruction and services were provided in emergency mode. The first wave of the pandemic hit them hard. This adaptation process continued into the 2020–2021 school year in the midst of a second wave that was accompanied by several outbreaks and closures of bubble classes and schools.  

There is no doubt that the fallout from the pandemic will have an impact on the next generation of students entering college. During this conference, Simon Larose will first present a status report on the effects that COVID-19 could have on young people’s educational and social learning and adaptation, as well as on their preparation for college studies. Results from international and Quebec studies will be presented, including those from the ESH-Transition project.

This education specialist will then address two important questions:

1) How can colleges optimize the learning of future student cohorts?

2) How can they create “safe” institutional and educational climates that foster meaningful and sustainable learning?

To register for the event click here